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Shadow于1987年由Richard Greenhil组建为集团公司。该集团公司每周举行会议,商讨国内机器人的研发状况。Shadow Robot公司于1998年由几名最初的开发人员所组成。下面我们列出了公司所经历过的一些具有重要意义的事件。
Shadow公司经过数年的努力,已拥有诸多颇具声望的客户,包括NASA、卡耐基-梅隆大学。如欲了解Shadow Robot公司的团队信息和以往所获得的荣誉,请使用侧栏菜单进行查看。
Shadow is a small company specialising in the development of advanced robotics. We use innovative actuators to develop a wide range of robots, including the world's most advanced robot Hand. 
Shadow was set up as a group in 1987 by Richard Greenhill. The group met weekly to work on the development of the domestic robot. The Shadow Robot Company was formed in 1998 by a small team of the original developers. Here are some of the more interesting events that have happened to us. 
Shadow has had a range of prestigious clients over the years, including NASA, Carnegie-Mellon University, for a detailed history, meet the team and to look at the many awards The Shadow Robot Company has won please navigate using the side menu. 
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